Thursday, June 2, 2011

SSO between MOSS2007 and Cognos 8.4

Recently I Implemented single sign-on between MOSS 2007 and Cognos 8.4. I followed the guidelines given by IBM team here

but it is not given detail steps what to do on MOSS server and cognos server in case of both software are installed on different servers.

Below are my findings and would like to share with all of you.

Note: - Here assuming that MOSS2007 and Cognos 8.4 are installed on separate servers and both softwares are working fine.

1.1 Set Virtual Directory Properties

1.1.1 CognosR3

Create virtual directory in IIS (CognosR3 name is just example given in this document). Set its properties as below

· Local path – Webcontent folder

· Read, Log visits and index this resource is checked

· Application Name – cognosR3

· Execute Permissions – None

· Application Pool - DefaultAppPool

Go to ‘Security Directory’ tab and set below properties

· Enable anonymous access - selected

1.1.2 Cgi-Bin

Create virtual directory as cgi-bin under cognosR3 directory in IIS and set its properties as below

· Local path – cgi-bin folder

· Log visits and index this resource is checked.

· Application Name – cgi-bin

· Execute Permissions – Scripts and Executables

· Application Pool - DefaultAppPool

Go to ‘Security Directory’ tab and set below properties

· Enable anonymous access - selected

1.2 Set Environment tab

In Cognos configuration, set the below properties

· Gateway URI – http:// address:port number>/cognosR3/cgi-bin/Cognos.cgi

· Allow namespace override – True

Note – Replace all ‘localhost’ with IP address in all URLs.

1.3 Set Portal Services

In Cognos configuration, open ‘Portal services’ and set below properties

· Web Content URI - http:// address>/cognosR3/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll/wsrp/cps4/portlets/nav?b_action=cps.wsdl&wsdl (Optional)

· Trusted Signon Namespace ID – ADS

· Shared secret – Training (Optional)

1.4 Set Namespaces

1.4.1 ADS

In Cognos configuration, create ‘ADS’ as new namespace and set its properties as below

· Type – NTLM

· Namespace ID – ADS

· NTLM domain name –

· Advanced properties – singleSignonOption (Optional)

1.4.2 CPS Trust

In Cognos configuration, create ‘CPSTrust’ as new namespace and set its properties as below

· Type – Custom Java Provider

· Namespace ID – CPSTrust

· Java class name – com.cognos.cps.auth.CPSTrustedSignon

Note: - After setting all properties in Cognos configuration, save and restart it.

2.1 Copy SharePoint folder

Copy ‘SharePoint’ folder from Cognos server location “:\Program Files\Cognos\c8\cps\SharePoint”

To SharePoint server at below location


Note: - Please take the backup of ‘bin’ and ‘wpresources’ folders. During copying the folders, you may get a warning that you are about to overwrite existing files/folders. Select ‘Yes to all’.

2.2 Config files

2.2.1 Wss_cognostrust.config

Copy below file to location “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\CONFIG”

2.2.2 Web.config

Open web.config. sample below file and make the changes in existing web.config file which are commented in // IBM COGNOS // lines

2.3 Dwp files

Open dwp files from location (“C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\WSS\virtualDirectories\\wpcatalog”) and make changes in tags below

http:// address>/cognosR3/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll/wsrp/cps4/portlets/nav?b_action=cps.wsdl&wsdl

Note: -Need to make changes in all .dwp files

2.4 Reset IIS

After making all changes, need to reset IIS and open SharePoint site.

2.5 Add web parts

Open SharePoint page and edit it. Add Cognos Navigator web part. It should display home page from Cognos site as below.